Understanding SQL Server Wait Statistics

Understanding SQL Server Wait Statistics

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SQL Server wait statistics are a critical aspect of performance monitoring and tuning in Microsoft SQL Server. They provide invaluable insights into what SQL Server is waiting on, which is crucial for identifying performance bottlenecks. Understanding and analyzing these wait statistics can significantly enhance database performance.

What are SQL Server Wait Statistics?

  1. Definition: Wait statistics in SQL Server are metrics that indicate what resources, external events, or conditions SQL Server sessions are waiting on. Whenever a task in SQL Server cannot proceed immediately due to a delay in resource availability or other conditions, it enters a wait state. SQL Server tracks these waits, providing a history of what resources or operations are causing delays.
  2. Purpose: The primary purpose of collecting wait statistics is to diagnose performance issues. By analyzing these waits, database administrators can understand what is slowing down the server and take appropriate actions to optimize performance.
  3. Types of Waits: SQL Server categorizes waits into various types, each indicating a different kind of resource or operation that a task is waiting for. These include CPU, IO, locks, network, and many others.

Common Problematic Wait Types

  • CXPACKET: Associated with parallel query processing. High CXPACKET waits often indicate inefficient parallel processing.
  • LCK_M_XX: Occurs when a task is waiting for a lock on a resource. Frequent locking waits might suggest contention issues.
  • PAGEIOLATCH_XX: Indicates waiting for IO operations related to reading pages from disk. High values often point towards IO subsystem bottlenecks.
  • ASYNC_NETWORK_IO: Occurs when SQL Server is waiting for the client application to process the data it has sent. It suggests that the bottleneck is in the client application.
  • SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD: Indicates that a task voluntarily yielded its time slice, waiting for another turn on the CPU. High values can indicate CPU pressure.

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Analyzing and Responding to Wait Statistics

  1. Database Health Monitor: Database Health Monitor has extensive reporting on waits over time to see how things are improving or getting worse with your wait statistics.
  2. Analyzing Wait Stats: SQL Server provides Dynamic Management Views (DMVs) for analyzing wait statistics, offering a comprehensive view of wait types and durations.
  3. Correlation with Performance Issues: Effective use of wait statistics involves correlating them with other performance indicators like CPU usage and IO statistics.
  4. Resolving Issues: Solutions range from query optimization to hardware upgrades, depending on the identified waits.
  5. Continuous Monitoring: Regular monitoring of wait statistics is essential for proactive database performance management.


SQL Server wait statistics are a powerful tool for diagnosing and resolving performance issues. Regular monitoring and understanding of these waits can significantly improve the performance and efficiency of SQL Server databases.

Need help with this, Stedman Solutions can help. Find out how with a free no risk 30 minute consultation with Steve Stedman.

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