Understanding the PAGEIOLATCH_EX Wait Type in SQL Server

When it comes to performance tuning in SQL Server, one of the most common issues that DBAs encounter involves wait types. Wait types are indicators that SQL Server uses to track why a query is waiting, allowing DBAs to identify bottlenecks and performance issues. One wait type that can indicate a potential issue with I/O performance is the PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait.

This blog post will explain what the PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait type is, what it means when it occurs frequently, and how you can address the underlying causes to improve your SQL Server performance.


The PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait type occurs when SQL Server is waiting for data pages to be read from disk into memory (buffer pool) in exclusive mode. It indicates that SQL Server needs to access a data page for a write operation, but the page isn’t yet in memory. As a result, the server is waiting for the disk subsystem to retrieve the page before it can proceed with the query.

In SQL Server, when queries are executed, the engine checks whether the required data is already in memory (the buffer pool). If the data is in memory, SQL Server can immediately proceed with processing the query. If the data is not in memory, SQL Server must read the data from disk, which is slower. The PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait type represents the time spent waiting for that data to be loaded from disk into memory in preparation for exclusive access.

How to Identify PAGEIOLATCH_EX Waits

If you’re seeing high PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits, it indicates that SQL Server is experiencing delays in disk I/O operations. You can identify and track these waits using Dynamic Management Views (DMVs). The following query gives you an overview of the wait types currently occurring on your SQL Server instance:

FROM sys.dm_os_wait_stats

This query will show how many times PAGEIOLATCH_EX has occurred, along with the total and maximum wait times. If you’re seeing a high count and significant wait times for PAGEIOLATCH_EX, it’s an indicator that your disk I/O subsystem may not be performing optimally, or that your queries are accessing large amounts of data not cached in memory.

Causes of PAGEIOLATCH_EX Waits

PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits typically point to I/O bottlenecks, which can be caused by several factors:

  1. Slow Storage: The most common cause of PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits is slow disk performance. This can happen if your storage subsystem (hard disks, SAN, or SSDs) is not fast enough to keep up with SQL Server’s read/write requests. If your storage is overwhelmed by I/O requests, SQL Server will spend a lot of time waiting for data to be read into memory.
  2. Insufficient Memory (Buffer Pool): SQL Server uses the buffer pool to cache data pages in memory, reducing the need to read from disk. If there isn’t enough memory available for SQL Server, it will constantly have to read data from disk, leading to PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits. This is problematic in systems with large databases or memory-intensive workloads.
  3. Large Data Reads: Queries that scan large tables or perform operations like table scans or index scans (especially on non-optimized queries) can trigger PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits, as they require significant data to be read into memory from disk.
  4. Index Fragmentation: Fragmented indexes can cause SQL Server to read more data pages from disk than necessary, which increases I/O operations. This fragmentation can lead to higher PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits.
  5. Overloaded Disk I/O Subsystem: Even if the storage is generally fast, running too many concurrent I/O-heavy queries can overload the I/O subsystem, resulting in increased PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits.

How to Address PAGEIOLATCH_EX Wait

The key to reducing PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits is to improve disk I/O performance and optimize memory usage. Here are some strategies you can use:

  1. Optimize Disk Performance:
    • Upgrade Storage: If you’re using traditional hard drives (HDDs), consider upgrading to faster storage options like solid-state drives (SSDs) or even NVMe drives, which offer significantly better read/write performance.
    • Use Storage Tiering: Implementing a tiered storage solution where frequently accessed data resides on faster storage can help reduce I/O waits.
    • Monitor Disk Usage: Use tools like Database Health Monitor to track disk performance and identify if specific disks are becoming overwhelmed. Proper monitoring will help you pinpoint if your disk subsystem is becoming a bottleneck.
  2. Increase SQL Server Memory:
    • Allocate More Memory: If your server has available resources, consider increasing the memory allocated to SQL Server, allowing more data pages to be cached in memory rather than being read from disk.
    • Optimize Buffer Pool Usage: Ensure that SQL Server’s memory is being efficiently used by your queries and that other processes on the server aren’t competing for memory.
  3. Query Tuning:
    • Optimize Queries: Look for opportunities to optimize your queries to reduce the amount of data being read from disk. This may involve using more selective queries, adding proper indexing, or rewriting poorly performing queries.
    • Avoid Full Table Scans: Ensure that queries use indexes efficiently. Full table scans on large tables can generate excessive I/O activity, leading to high PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits.
  4. Index Maintenance:
    • Rebuild or Reorganize Indexes: Regularly rebuild or reorganize fragmented indexes to ensure SQL Server reads as few pages as possible when executing queries. Fragmentation increases the number of I/O operations needed to read data into memory, so reducing fragmentation can help alleviate PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits.
  5. Monitor and Tune Workload:
    • Balance Workloads: Spreading out heavy I/O workloads or scheduling large jobs during off-peak times can help reduce the overall pressure on your disk subsystem.
    • Monitor Wait Statistics: Continuously monitor your SQL Server’s wait statistics, focusing on I/O-related waits like PAGEIOLATCH_EX. This ongoing monitoring will help you detect performance degradation early and take corrective action.


The PAGEIOLATCH_EX wait type in SQL Server is a critical indicator of disk I/O performance issues. Frequent occurrences of this wait type suggest that SQL Server is waiting for data to be read from disk, which can slow down query performance significantly.

Next, to reduce PAGEIOLATCH_EX waits, focus on improving the speed of your storage subsystem, ensuring sufficient memory allocation, and optimizing your queries and indexing strategy. Therefore, with the right monitoring tools, like Database Health Monitor, and a proactive approach to performance tuning, you can minimize I/O waits and ensure your SQL Server instance runs efficiently.

If you’re dealing with persistent performance issues related to PAGEIOLATCH_EX or other wait types, consider reaching out to Stedman Solutions. Our SQL Server Managed Services provide continuous monitoring and expert tuning to ensure your SQL Server environment is optimized for peak performance. Let us handle the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters most—your business.

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