Requested Features

The following is a list of the requested features for Database Health version 2.0.

Requested Features, but not yet implemented

  • Would be nice to have a Back button to return to the tree where you were before clicking on something. Currently the main page per server resets each time you select. Should this be data collected since connecting to server with Refresh to force clear if desired.
  • Last feature that I think would be cool would be generating multiple scripts in 1 click. That is, if I look at the fragmented indexes and I see there are 10 that have broken the 5% fragmented window, I would like to be able to select all of them and have a “generate repair script” and a “repair” button or something like that. (Requested August 26th, 2015)
  • Create a report to show foreign keys with no supporting index. (Requested August 9th, 2015)
  • Steve great job! Please consider building executables (portable) without install necessity. On productions enterprise servers installs are typically not allowed. (requested August 9th, 2015)
  • Add a replication/mirroring/tlog shipping monitor. (requested July 17th, 2015)
  • Historic Query Waits Advisor should display date label on the X axis. (requested July 15th, 2015)
  • More Info – Drill down indicator: May be worth having an indicator of some kind to show which graphs can be clicked for further information. Some can and some can’t so something to indicate which would be really handy. (requested 9/9/2015)
  • Table size advisor – include length for data types. Adding the length of datetimes, varchar etc would be useful when looking at the table size advisor. It may also be worth adding in the average data length/length. (requested 9/9/2015)

Requested Features in the next release

Newly requested features that are complete, but haven’t been released yet. These will be available in version 2.2 of the Database Health Monitor.

  • Settings Dialog: Fragmentation is spelt wrong too, you have Fragementation.  (Reported 9/9/2015, fixed 9/9/2015).
  • TempDB Files and Sizes: TempDB data files could be checked to see how many there are and if they are the same size. You could also check the growth setting etc. (Reported 9/9/2015, added 9/9/2015).
  • Link to not found, missing documentation on website. (Reported 9/9/2015, added 9/10/2015)
  • Love your product. The only question I have is where is the export reports capability? Even copy/paste with headers would be nice. (Requested 9/13/2015, right click menu on all grids for copy, copy with headers and select all added 9/14/2015).
  • Potential bug with connections. I just updated to version which I think is the latest and was trying the application again and noticed what I think is a bug. If I look at the “real time” overview page for one of our databases it tells me there are 7 database connections. If I click on “Connections” it tells me there are no connections to this database. Previous versions of the software gave me results but this one doesn’t. Is it a bug in this version? Also, when I click on connections then go back to real time overview, the connections jumps up by 2. I don’t think this is expected behaviour.  (Reported September 10, 2015, Fixed September 14th, 2015. I found a problem in the query that overlooking some connections.)
  • Would it be possible to make the GUI section its own thread? If you go to connect to a server and make a typo or try to connect to something that is down, the application appears to hang even though it is still functional. (reported Aug 20, 2015, Fixed September 14th, 2015 by adding additional background threading to the application startup and connecting to a database process.)
  • You could add SP and CU numbers on the instance overview screen rather than just a version number, or maybe display the latest version on the page using the magic of the internet. (Requested 9/9/2015 added checking for the SP levels in the Instance level report 9/19/2015)

Reported Bugs

  • Also, if you go to reorganize indexes and it runs for any length of time, the application appears to hang. I was reorganizing an index which was 99.4% fragmented and had an index size of 4.2 MB. At that size of an index, it should reorganize in seconds. But the application completely hangs. If I load up SSMS and poke at the activity monitor, it appears that the reorganize has completed successfully but Database Health seems to be stuck (frozen) and I cannot cancel or ignore or anything. The application is hung. Need to force-kill from task manager. (reported Aug 20, 2015)
  • Bug: connection advisor chops off long query text. (reported July 22, 2015)

Requested Features in the Version 2.1 Release

Newly requested features that are complete, but haven’t been released yet. These are available in version 2.1 of the Database Health Monitor.

  • On the instance level reports, it would be nice to have a hotkey to page up and page down through the sql servers when viewing the instance level reports. (requested Aug 27th 2015, implemented August 27th 2015. Using CTRL+PGUP and CTRL+PGDOWN)
  • It would be nice to not have to supply the sql server username and password when configuring the historic monitoring page. Since I am already logged in can’t you just use my current session. (requested July 29th 2015, added August 15th, 2015).
  • Another feature I’d like to see is a “refresh” button that is also mapped to the F5 key on the keyboard. So after reorganizing an index (or viewing any page that I have dealt with the issue either in Database Health OR SSMS), I could refresh the data without needing to change views. (requested Aug 26, 2015, the F5 key for refresh was previously added and will be coming out in the next update)
  • Ability to kill sessions from the connections advisor. (requested July 22, 2015, added July 24th 2015)
  • A nice feature would be to include the total memory, available memory, and active query count on the main list of databases. (Requested August 10th 2015, added August 15th 2015)
  • Add support for the F5 Key to refresh reports. (Requested July 10th, 2015, added July 20th 2015)
  • Backups advisor restore chain script needs CTRL+A for select all on the editor window. (requested July 22nd, 2015, implemented July 23rd 2015)
  • Add reporting on autoshrink and autoclose databases on the quick scan report. (requested July 22nd 2015, implemented Aug 12, 2015)
  • One time use query advisor needs CTRL+A for select all in the query window. (requested July 22, 2015, implemented July 23rd 2015)
  • Add a report to show I/O by drive (requested July 24th, 2015, implemented July 24th 2015)
  • Add a report to show all sessions (connections) for the entire SQL Database (instance). (requested July 24th, 2015, implemented July 26th 2015)
  • Add an instance level report to show all active queries, those that are running for more than a second. (requested July 25th, 2015, implemented July 26th 2015)
  • Right click ability to kill sessions from the current connections report. (requested July 22, 2015, implemented August 26th 2015)
  • Drilldown from the disk space by database chart should go to the disk space report for the selected database. Currently it just goes to the database overview page. (reported July 22, 2015, implemented August 26th 2015)
  • Long running queries advisor, help link at the bottom of the screen in not anchored to the bottom. (reported July 22, 2015, implemented August 26th 2015)
  • It would be great to have a report that shows what is currently active, and running for a while. (requested July 29th 2015, instance report for “What is Active” added on August 5th, 2015)


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