Does Your SQL Server Have Performance Issues?

Database Health Monitor can help!

Is your SQL Server struggling with performance issues? Don’t let slowdowns and bottlenecks impact your business. With Database Health, you can quickly diagnose and address any problems affecting your SQL Server’s performance. This powerful tool provides real-time insights and detailed reports, helping you pinpoint issues and optimize your server for peak performance. Take control of your SQL Server environment and ensure it’s running at its best with Database Health Monitor.

Database Health Monitor logo
Slow SQL Server Performance can be fixed with Database Health Monitor


Database Health is a powerful solution for SQL Server performance monitoring and diagnostics, providing DBAs and developers with the essential tools to maintain a healthy, high-performing, and reliable SQL Server environment. From a centralized console, you can efficiently identify and resolve performance issues in real time.

Optimize SQL Server Performance with Ease

Designed to streamline performance tuning for DBAs and developers, Database Health Monitor offers critical insights into server health. With comprehensive reports on historic wait stats and instance-level performance, you can quickly assess the overall health of your SQL Server and proactively address any issues.

Efficient and Effective Performance Monitoring

Save time and boost your SQL Server’s performance with Database Health Monitor. Our tool simplifies the SQL Server performance monitoring process, enabling you to focus on tuning and optimizing your environment with confidence.

Discover the power of Database Health —your go-to tool for SQL Server performance and optimization.

Save time Database Tuning using Database Health Monitor

Database performance analysis including:

Aditional performance monitoring:

Monitor your SQL Server environments from a central console.  There is no limit to the number of servers you can monitor.  Download Now

Free for a single server connection, paid and gamification options for connecting to more SQL Servers.

Licensing Explained

What’s in Database Health Monitor?

Steve Stedman creator of Database Health Monitor

Database Health Monitor is a tool built by Steve Stedman to help SQL Server administrators find the performance issues or bottlenecks on SQL Server.  The tool started as a way to help gather metrics for our own environments in 2010 and we have added to it and ensure it continues to work in the latest versions of SQL Server.  The tool is now available for free.

We know you will benefit from using this tool to monitor your environments.  If this works for you and helps, great!  If you would be so kind and tell others about, you have our thanks.

Download Database Health Monitor and do all your own performance monitoring.
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We offer custom performance evaluations to review your  Database Health Monitor results.

Interested? Simply schedule a free consultation to review what you have in mind.

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Contact Info

Stedman Solutions, LLC.
PO Box 3175
Ferndale WA 98248

Phone: (360)610-7833

90 Comments on “Does Your SQL Server Have Performance Issues?

  1. Awesome!
    I have one suggestion… It would be great if this tool was somehow expandable by adding your own queries.

    Thanks for the good work.

  2. IT would be great if you could type in the window credentials versus passing them through.

    Great tool, thanks so much!

  3. Just found this tool and am loving it. Two comments, one a request and the other a possible bug.
    Request: For the Technical debt, it would be nice if one could add additional items.
    Possible Bug: Your query for Big Clustered indexes returns multiples for nvarchar columns. I believe this is due to the query’s inner join between sys.all_columns and sys.types. Sys.types has two entries for system_type_id=231 (nvarchar and sysname)

    • Thanks for the feedback. I will look into the big clustered indexes.

      I have been thinking about ways to add additional items to the technical debt. This may be available in a future version.


  4. Steve…is there any way to take the charts and graphs as well as the data as shown in the gui and simply (via a job) direct them to a folder (say on sharepoint)

  5. As I have said before GREAT PRODUCT. Is there a way to take the outstanding reports shown in the gui and simply drive them as is to a file or sharepoint?

  6. Steve,
    Good work. I have just downloaded and started playing with it. It’s really helpful and handy specially for naïve DBAs who doesn’t know how to play with DMVs. As a production DBA I always want to see the current running queries and their execution plans. I use the following SQL to get the details; I would love to see if this can be integrated with the tool.

    select *,percent_complete,OBJECTID,dbid,SESSION_ID,blocking_session_id,wait_time,wait_type,( SELECT TOP 1 SUBSTRING(s2.text, statement_start_offset / 2, ( (CASE WHEN statement_end_offset = -1 THEN (LEN(CONVERT(nvarchar(max),s2.text)) * 2) ELSE statement_end_offset END) – statement_start_offset) / 2) ), (SELECT query_plan FROM sys.dm_exec_query_plan (plan_handle)) from
    sys.dm_exec_requests s1 CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(sql_handle) AS s2


  7. Hi Steve – Great product, but unfortunately, version 8.1 has expired and the download link from the software does not seem to be working. Are you releasing a new version anytime soon, or if not, can you just please take the expiry checking out?

  8. I’ve been working with the tool now since beta 5 and I must say great improvements! When is beta 8.2 or 9.0 to be released?

    Keep up the good work!

  9. Hi, I have using your app. and find it very useful. It has timed out and will not run. Is there a way to continue to use it?

  10. Nice Monitor!!! For some reasons, after the upgrade, when i click on “connections” It’s shows no connection to the database. Even though i’m connected. Also, when i click the restore chain, ‘show script’ . Nothing was showing up. Advice pls.

  11. Hi Steve….OUTSTANDING PRODUCT and getting better every day…..have downloaded the January 2015 version and installed. But when I launch it says Beta Version Expired go to the site and get a more recent version…..did that and same version downloads….right now nothing is working…..should I down level to 9.3 to get back into a running state?

  12. Love the tool. It is all of the features I like from SSMS and scripts I’ve accumulated from all over the place all thrown into 1 nice fancy tool. Thanks a bunch for it.

    I did find one potential bug though. If you pick a SQL instance, click on “Server Connections” then double-click on a database, it brings you back to the “Server Health” page (the very top item on the navigation pane). I expected this to bring me to the “Real Time -> Connections” on the database. Also, having a “back” button (or hotkey) would be an awesome feature. So if I start clicking through all sorts of things in the information view then want to go back I don’t need to re-hunt for what the previous window was.

    That being said, for a free tool, this is AMAZING. I love the tool. In the next few weeks, I am going to be testing the “Historic” and “technical debt” features on test.

  13. Hi there. Just installed your application. So far it looks amazing.
    I have two questions. My index fragmentation task is running for the past 5 hours. Is this normal? Programa is not responding
    Second question is if there is any reason i never got any active queries showing.

    Thanks and good job

    • The Index Fragmentation report is the slowest report in the entire product. 5 hours is a bit unusual. Can you email how big are your biggest tables in the database?

  14. I downloaded the product and under the real time – table size th esize is correct but the row count is wrong… I have 46M rows but the report show 140M rows… can you please explain?

  15. Dear Steve,
    Can we also have the option to generate script to fix the index fragmentations like the way we have the script to fix the statistics.


  16. Just found this tool.. Excellent..
    Is possible to add query in this tool to get deadlocks detail?..

  17. Hello Steve,
    Thanks for this wonderful tool.
    I am able to see message in the quick scan report for a database that is offline, that there are no recent backups taken for it.
    Can you please have this report exclude the databases that are offline?

    Thank you

  18. Hi Steve,
    could you reply?

    when starting Database Health Monitor – i get popup error message:
    Microsoft.NET Framework
    Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately.

    Access to the path ‘C:\Users\test_user\Documents\dbHealthSettings.xml’ is denied.
    I checked permission – it is ok.

    Details of message:
    See the end of this message for details on invoking
    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\testuser\Documents\dbHealthSettings.xml’ is denied.
    at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
    at System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy, Boolean useLongPath, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.StreamWriter.CreateFile(String path, Boolean append, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean checkHost)
    at System.IO.StreamWriter..ctor(String path, Boolean append, Encoding encoding)
    at Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.WriteAllText(String file, String text, Boolean append, Encoding encoding)
    at DatabaseHealth2.MyXmlSettingsFile.Reload()
    at DatabaseHealth2.MyXmlSettingsFile..ctor()
    at DatabaseHealth2.MainForm.Form1_Load(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnLoad(EventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.OnCreateControl()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl(Boolean fIgnoreVisible)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.CreateControl()
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.Form.WmShowWindow(Message& m)
    at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

  19. 1. In the backup status report, it would be nice to see the “state” of the database to understand why the database was not backed up i.e. is it offline/suspect/restoring mode? Also it would be nice to know if the server is a primary / secondary.

    2. ErrorLog report with severity 19 to 25 in past 24 hours would be helpful too.

    3. You have server inventory report, perhaps we can also have a database inventory report too and if you could store the database size info over period of time, you could tell when the disk will be full if it keeps growing like this for capacity planning.

    4. A single report for available disk space on all my servers with configurable threshold, red, yellow or green. e.g. Server A, Drive E is Red meaning available disk space is below 90%

    I am old school so like to read my newspaper (reports) every morning to know whats going on in my SQL world:-)

    Thank You,
    Bo Sharma

  20. 13:30:34 : compatibilityLevel = 120
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    showNoChartPanelWithParamsForDatabase section 1
    at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

    at DatabaseHealth2.DebugMessages.Send(String message, Int32& level)
    at DatabaseHealth2.ReportBaseClass.HandleException(Exception& ex, String details)
    at DatabaseHealth2.NoChartReport.showNoChartPanelWithParamsForDatabase(String numColumns, String noneFoundMessage, String parameter1, Boolean addToolbar)
    at DatabaseHealth2.QuickScanReport..ctor(MainForm& mainFormIn, Database& database)
    at DatabaseHealth2.MainForm.Timer1_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

  21. Hi Steve, great tool!!, so i’ve read the page and i saw that the graphics are new…, so, i’ve downloaded the last version of tool, i seeing a new fonts…but the graphics are old version, i just want to know if i have a earlier version…


  22. Thank you a lot for this excelent application. I loved the “missing indexes” and “Statistics” section, it helps me to save time and efford for the weekly maintance.
    Best Regards

  23. Hello, I congratulate you for this very good tool, I would only recommend an option to send emails when a performace event occurs, for example some deathlock or a very heavy query, greetings.

  24. I have been using Database Health Monitor during parallel tests of onPremises and AWS databases.
    Two days ago we moved all onPremises databases to AWS AlwaysOn.
    We are a small nonprofit organisation that among other things is involved in the fight against Human Trafficking, so Database Health Monitor played a big part in our financial ability to migrate to the Cloud.
    The DBhM database itself is Clustered and myfront end client is connected to the AlwaysOn Listener and also to both nodes for sake of temporary curiosity. Longterm I will remove the AlwaysOn Listener from DBhM and perform daily monitoring mostly of the Primary node.
    Thank you Steve, on the behalf of the victims of Human Trafficking and the other people that we assist.

  25. Hello,

    Great tool! thank you. i have requested a new code cause the old one expired but still have not received it.Its been almost 10 days. Hope i receive it soon.
    Thanks again

    • Christos,
      Since the December 2019 release of Database Health Monitor, there is no need to wait for the code by email. You can register for the code and immediately get one from the registration dialog.

      -Steve Stedman

  26. Is there a way to get a registration key for this direct from you as I have to install this on servers with no internet access and I cannot install it on the company laptop , very secure place where I work.

    • Peter – If you register on any computer, you can then copy and paste the email address and registration code from the xml config file located in your documents directory.


  27. Hi Steve,
    This is a great tool, thanks! I’m new using mssql, and I would like to know if there is a link where I can understand the reports? and what actions to take when I get too many red bars? for example, in the main dashboard I have the report one time used queries, here I get too many red bars, but I don’t know what actions should I take, also in the “waits” report, is there a threshold, so I can know when is it ok or need attention?

    As I mentioned before, I’m new working with SQL Server, and I’m still learning on my own.

    Thanks in advance.


  28. We connect to Azure SQL Server Managed Instances. In the Connect to Server dialog, in the Authentication drop-down, we select Azure Active Directory – Password. Can this functionality be added to Database Health Monitor?

  29. Hi Steve,
    It’s a great tool.
    Is it possible to add a connection from an instance with a different portnumber then the default portnumber.? When yes, how you do that?

  30. I am not getting any code when I click on Requested Updated License code. (The window goes to not “responsing mode” and then returns to normal but nothing happens.)Please advise.

  31. Hi there, for a while when going to Real Time-> Fragmentation
    the application crushes, or stops responding, i tried on different PC, an various databases, any idea?

  32. Getting an error when clicking on “Quick Scan”:

    2:06:28 : compatibilityLevel = 150
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    showNoChartPanelWithParamsForDatabase section 1
    at System.Environment.GetStackTrace(Exception e, Boolean needFileInfo)

    at DatabaseHealth2.DebugMessages.Send(String message, Int32& level)
    at DatabaseHealth2.ReportBaseClass.HandleException(Exception& ex, String details)
    at DatabaseHealth2.NoChartReport.showNoChartPanelWithParamsForDatabase(String numColumns, String noneFoundMessage, String parameter1, Boolean addToolbar)
    at DatabaseHealth2.QuickScanReport..ctor(MainForm& mainFormIn, Database& database)
    at DatabaseHealth2.MainForm.Timer1_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)

    Happens for 2 instances. 8 other instances have no problems.

  33. Hi
    When I install on a server without internet connection it is not possible to get a License code

    When I close The License code-window the application End.

    • If you register Database Health Monitor on a computer that does have internet access, then copy the DBHealthSettings.xml from your computer with internet access to the server that does not have access. that should work.

      -Steve Stedman

  34. Hello Steve

    I have a question to which I cannot find a clear answer….
    It’s about SQL 2012 Standard Edition: How much RAM is supported?
    Can I allocate 200GB RAM to an instance and it will be used? As I see it, I could even allocate 2TB RAM in a SQL Standard Edition.

    Thanks a lot and great job with your tool!


    • Fabian, Here is a link to a blog post outlining the memory limits of SQL Server.

      The Memory limit on SQL Server 2012 standard edition is 64GB. SQL Server will use a bit more than that, but generally the database buffer pool is limited to 64MB.

      If you want to use more memory, you could upgrade to SQL Server 2014 (standard edition) and get 128GB of buffer pool space. Another option is to upgrade to Enterprise edition (expensive edition) if you need more momory.

      I hope this helps.

      -Steve Stedman

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